Calling rates to Switzerland

To find out the call rates, enter the phone number or the country name:

Enter a number in an international format or a country name
    Calls from numbers of 10 countries
    Calls from other numbers
    Destination Economy Standard
    Switzerland LYCATEL - mobile$0.12$0.15
    Switzerland ORANGE - mobile$0.15$0.18
    Switzerland SPECIAL SVC$0.052$0.065
    Switzerland SUNRISE - mobile$0.15$0.18
    Switzerland SWISSCOM - mobile$0.13$0.16
    Switzerland VAS - mobile$0.47$0.59
    Switzerland, mobile other$0.38$0.45

    To make a call from Austria, Great Britain, Canada, China, Israel, Mexico, Switzerland, USA number you need to verify or purchase a number of any mentioned country, set this number in CallerID in «SIP Connection» or «PBX Extension numbers». Also with PBX you can make calls from different numbers to different countries (Outgoing calls).

    Destination Economy Standard
    Switzerland LYCATEL - mobile$0.31$0.39
    Switzerland ORANGE - mobile$0.31$0.39
    Switzerland SPECIAL SVC$0.052$0.065
    Switzerland SUNRISE - mobile$0.36$0.45
    Switzerland SWISSCOM - mobile$0.31$0.39
    Switzerland VAS - mobile$0.47$0.59
    Switzerland, mobile other$0.36$0.45

    Calling rates

    • No connection fee
    • All rates are shown in USD, including taxes
    • Billing: Standard, Office, Corporation - per second. Economy - per minute.
    • Calls between Zadarma users are free
    • All incoming calls to phone numbers bought on our website are free of charge (excluding the Toll-Free numbers)
    • We provide the highest connection quality and premium routes on all price plans
    • CallerID for outgoing calls is available on all price plans
    • Learn what tariff to choose for calls.