Toll Free numbers in the United States

Activation of toll free number in United States
Monthly fee for the number 877 in United States
Connect a phone number

Activation happens after the verification of the details you entered.

All rates are shown in USD, including taxes

Price for incoming calls

Calls to the 877 numbers are free of charge for callers from United States. The owner of the toll-free number is charged for the incoming calls. The cost of the incoming call depends on the region:
United States, Canada, other countries - Fixed
United States, Canada, other countries - Mobile
  • All incoming calls to toll-free 877 numbers are billed per-minute.
  • Toll-free 877 numbers are for domestic calls only.
  • For domestic calls to a 877 number from a mobile device or landline, you must dial 877 XXXXXXX.
  • Incoming calls to toll-free 877 numbers are charged. Incoming calls to all other Zadarma phone numbers are free.
Why do you need a Toll-Free number in the United States?
Toll-free numbers contribute to a positive customer experience, facilitate national outreach, and offer various strategic advantages for businesses in the USA.
  • Toll-free numbers enhance customer engagement by providing a convenient and cost-free communication channel, making customers more likely to reach out to businesses.
  • Toll-free numbers allow businesses to have a national presence, regardless of physical location.
  • Toll-free numbers are memorable and can be used in marketing campaigns. Businesses can use Toll-free numbers to promote special offers, discounts, or exclusive deals.
Best buy 800 number
Zadarma offers Toll-free numbers for your business with 888, 877, 855, and 844 area codes and the best features.
  • free cloud PBX, CRM, and speech analytics as well as free integration with popular CRM systems
  • free call tracking for your marketing campaigns
  • call forwarding to another phone number or SIP server
  • 30 or more incoming channels (multichannel number)
  • trustworthy network operator with 2 million clients and more than 15 years of experience
If you have a Toll-Free phone number in the United States, you can port that number to Zadarma for free.
How can I connect the phone number?
Connect a phone number
  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • PayPal