Phone number rates

Enter the country or the city name
    Destination Area code Connection fee Monthly fee
    Argentina 0800 $0$13.5$0$9
    Australia 1800 $28$13.5$28$9
    Austria 800 $0$10$0$5
    Bahamas 1844 $9$14.4$9$12
    Bahrain 804 $95$22.5$95$15
    Belgium 0800 $3$6$3$3
    Bermuda 1877 $9$14.4$9$12
    Bolivia 800 $230$48$230$32
    Bosnia and Herzegovina 0800 $0$30$0$25
    Brazil 0800 $17$10.5$17$7
    Brunei Darussalam 801 $100$26.4$100$22
    Bulgaria 0800 $40$30$40$25
    Cambodia 1800 $40$66$40$55
    Canada 1888 $0$6$0$3
    Chile 800 $10$15$10$10
    China 400 $20$24$20$20
    China 10800 $13$18$13$15
    Colombia 01800 $8$12$8$8
    Costa Rica 800 $25$19.2$25$16
    Croatia 0800 $0$6$0$3
    Cyprus 800 $0$15$0$10
    Czech Republic 800 $40$21$40$14
    Denmark 808 $0$4$0$2
    Dominica 1833 $25$19.2$25$16
    Dominican Republic 1809200 $10$15$10$10
    Ecuador 1800 $160$116.4$160$97
    Egypt 0800 $210$114$210$95
    El Salvador 800 $25$19.2$25$16
    Estonia 800 $58$69.6$58$58
    Ethiopia 800 $198$96$198$80
    Finland 0800 $15$18$15$15
    France 0800 $4$9$4$6
    French Guiana 0800 $0$21.6$0$18
    Germany 0800 $40$13.5$40$9
    Greece 00800 $0$6$0$3
    Guadeloupe 080 $8$12$8$8
    Hong Kong 800 $0$12$0$8
    Hungary 06800 $0$8$0$4
    Iceland 800 $60$19.2$60$16
    India 000800 $80$90$80$90
    India 011 $34$34$34$34
    Indonesia 001803 $0$24$0$20
    Indonesia 021 $48$57.6$48$48
    Indonesia 061 $48$57.6$48$48
    Indonesia 024 $48$57.6$48$48
    Indonesia 031 $48$57.6$48$48
    Ireland 1800 $2$4$2$2
    Israel 1809 $0$12$0$8
    Italy 800 $2$4$2$2
    Jamaica 1844 $7$12$7$8
    Jordan 0800 $25$19.2$25$16
    Kenya 0800 $28$45.6$28$38
    Korea South 00308 $0$21.6$0$18
    Latvia 800 $15$18$15$15
    Lithuania 8800 $6$12$6$8
    Luxembourg 800 $0$8$0$4
    Macedonia 0800 $7$31.2$7$26
    Malaysia 1800 $0$19.2$0$16
    Malta 800 $0$10.5$0$7
    Martinique 0800 $0$21.6$0$18
    Mayotte 0800 $0$21.6$0$18
    Mexico 800 $0$9$0$6
    Moldova 0800 $45$54$45$45
    Monaco 800 $40$18$40$15
    Morocco 0800 $260$72$260$48
    Netherlands 0800 $85$13.5$85$9
    New Zealand 0800 $30$18$30$15
    Pakistan 0800 $260$58.5$260$39
    Panama 800 $9$13.5$9$9
    Peru 0800 $95$54$95$45
    Peru 0801 $21$25.2$21$21
    Philippines 1800 $0$19.5$0$13
    Poland 800 $0$8$0$4
    Portugal 800 $3$6$3$3
    Puerto Rico 00800 $3$6$3$3
    Reunion 0800 $0$28.8$0$24
    Romania 800 $40$21.6$40$18
    Saudi Arabia 800 $50$66$50$55
    Serbia 0800 $28$33.6$28$28
    Singapore 800 $0$19.2$0$16
    Slovakia 800 $0$21$0$14
    Slovenia 080 $0$6$0$3
    South Africa 0800 $15$18$15$15
    Spain 900 $6$4$6$2
    Sri Lanka 0112 $78$93.6$78$78
    Sweden 020 $0$15$0$10
    Switzerland 0800 $0$18$0$12
    Taiwan 00801 $55$19.2$55$16
    Thailand 1800 $0$18$0$15
    Turkey 0800 $72$42$72$35
    Ukraine 0800 $3$4.5$3$3
    United Arab Emirates 800 $0$30$0$25
    United Kingdom 0800 $6$6$6$3
    United Republic of Tanzania 0800 $30$48$30$40
    United States 877 $0$6$0$3
    United States 855 $0$6$0$3
    United States 844 $0$6$0$3
    United States 888 $0$6$0$3
    Uruguay 0004 $80$96$80$80
    Venezuela 0800 $110$39.6$110$33
    Vietnam 0120 $0$18$0$15
    Virgin Islands, USA 1855 $3$6$3$3
    Please note: SMS reception is enabled for numbers connected for at least 3 months

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    Mobile number in United States



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    • The number will continue to be active as long as there are funds on the account balance.
    • The number will stop working if there are insufficient funds on your account balance. If no payment is made within 7 days, the number will be disconnected.
    • Blocked numbers can be restored. Charges will be applied from the number connection date, not from the date of when the payment was made.
    • All rates are shown in USD, including taxes.