Toll-free 8800 in Russia

These numbers are not available for connection

How much does the 8-800 number cost?

Toll-free numbers from Zadarma have no monthly fee and are provided free of charge. You will be charged for the connection and will make the minimum monthly payment.
Monthly fee
Connection fee
$40 $0
Minimum monthly payment
60 incoming channels
Your minimum monthly payment can only be spent on incoming calls to this phone number.

Price for incoming calls on 8-800

Calls to the 8800 numbers are free of charge for callers from Russia. The owner of the toll-free number is charged for the incoming calls. The cost of the incoming call depends on the region:
Russia - Fixed
Russia - Mobile
Russia - Moscow
  • All incoming calls to toll-free 8800 numbers are billed per-minute.
  • Toll-free 8800 numbers are for domestic calls only.
  • For domestic calls to a 8800 number from a mobile device or landline, you must dial 8800xxxxxxx.
  • Incoming calls to toll-free 8800 numbers are charged. Incoming calls to all other Zadarma phone numbers are free.
The Federal Toll-Free number can be used by companies that work with clients from all over Russia. Clients can call this phone number free of charge from anywhere in the country. The incoming calls to this number are paid for by the phone number owner.
Select any type of phone number connection:
Advantages of Zadarma virtual phone numbers in Russia:
  • free cloud PBX and call recording
  • call forwarding to phone number or SIP server
  • 60 or more incoming channels (multichannel number)
  • trustworthy network operator with 2 million clients and 15 years of experience
How can I connect the phone number?
Connect a phone number
  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • PayPal