CallBack vs Click-to-call

What are these widgets?

CallBack is a form on a website, where a visitor can enter their phone number and a desired call time. In 20 seconds the call goes to app/program or to the agent’s mobile and after the manager picks up it connects them to the client initiating the call. If a visitor is unable to have the call at the moment, they can enter a different time.

The widget is displayed according to the pre-set criteria: certain time on the website, visiting a certain page, visit depth etc.

Click-to-call widget (or Call Us button) is a button based on WebRTC technology. When clicking the button the visitor is connected directly to the agent (the agent can accept calls via an app or a program or redirect the call to a different number).

What is the difference?

The Call Us button is clicked by the visitor – your potential client. The action comes from the client.
The CallBack widget form is filled in by the website visitor, but the call is initiated by the business, meaning the action is taken by the company. And the form is analyzing visitor’s actions and appears at the perfect moment (according to the settings).

The experience shows that Click-to-Call widget works better for support and sales: clarify the price, find out product characteristics and ask for details.

CallBack widget is mostly used for conversion - to turn a visitor into a client.

Thanks to an easy setup you can display the widget according to certain criteria focusing on loyal customers.

For example, if the business is selling coffee makers, the form can be only shown to the visitors of a specific coffee machine page or to the ones who have visited at least 4 pages. In the widget settings you can also choose such criteria as the intensity of the mouse activity.


CallBack widget

Click-to-Call widget

What for?



Widget price



Call cost 

According to the outgoing calls rates (if the agent accepts the call via an app or a program)

Free (if the agent takes the call via Internet)

Conditions on the side of the visitor


Microphone and speakers (or a headset), WebRTC does not support old browser versions


Templates and an option to set up a unique design

Templates and an option to set up a unique design

Configuration time

2 minutes

2 minutes

Call statistics



Call recording



Voice menu



CRM Integration



Call restrictions

Blacklist based on IP-addresses


Work hours


An option to turn on the autoresponder during off hours