Instructions on how to configure VoIP equipment Gigaset

1. Open phone's web interface.

In order to open the phone's web interface you need to enter the device's IP address in the URL bar.

For example: and click "Enter".

You can attain the IP address by pressing the central button on the device's base box.

Note: Gigaset A510IP or Gigaset С610A/C530A can be connected up to 6 handsets, but simultaneous calls can be made only on 2 handsets or less.

2. Open "Telephony" - "Connections".

Under the column "Active", check the box of the account you wish to set and click "Edit".

3. Enter the following data:

Name or number of connection: zadarma

Password: Your password of sip number from "SIP Connection" in personal account.

Username: Your sip number (for example 111111) from personal account

Name: Your sip number (for example 111111) from personal account


Proxy server address:

Server of registration:

Name for entering: Your internal PBX number (for example 1234-100) from personal account

Password: Your password of internal PBX number from personal account

Username: Your internal PBX number (for example 1234-100) from personal account

Name: Your internal PBX number (for example 1234-100) from personal account


Proxy server address:

Server of registration:

4.Setting up call routing:

Open "Telephony" - "Number setting".

On this page you can set the device's default route for outgoing calls (via VoIP or landline)

5. Range of RTP ports 10000-20000: