Linksys SPA921 setup

Setup guides / Linksys / Linksys SPA921 setup

To open the phone's web interface enter the device's IP-address in the URL bar.

To attain the phone's IP address, press the "Menu" button (Page) and then select "Network" => "CurrentIP"

In the top right top corner of the page, change mode to Advanced

1. Open Ext1 and enter the following information:


Display Name: Your sip number (for example 111111) from personal account

UserID: Your sip number (for example 111111) from personal account

Password: Your password of sip number from "SIP Connection" in personal account.


Display Name: Your internal PBX number (for example 1234-100) from personal account

UserID: Your internal PBX number (for example 1234-100) from personal account

Password: Your password of internal PBX number from personal account

To save settings click Submit All Changes

2. If you encounter problems with incoming calls open the "SIP" page and switch on STUN server.

STUN Enable: yes

STUN Server: