ZyXEL Keenetic VOX setup
1. Open the web interface, under the tab "Phone" > "line 1"
Enter the following data:
SIP ID / Usernamee : Your sip number (for example 111111) from personal account
Usernamee: Your sip number (for example 111111) from personal account
Password: Your password of sip number from "SIP Connection" in personal account.
SIP registration server: sip.zadarma.com
Domain: sip.zadarma.com
Realm: sip.zadarma.com
SIP ID / Usernamee: Your internal PBX number (for example 1234-100) from personal account
Usernamee: Your internal PBX number (for example 1234-100) from personal account
Password: Your password of internal PBX number from personal account
SIP registration server: pbx.zadarma.com
Domain: pbx.zadarma.com
Realm: pbx.zadarma.com
2. Under the tab "Phone" > "SIP".
Register Expire: 60
The range of RTP ports: 4000 - 65365