Instructions on how to configure VoIP equipment Escene

1. To open the phone's web interface enter device's IP address in the URL bar of your browser.

To attain your phone's current IP address press the "C" button, and then the second line in the menu - IP.

In the menu select "SIP accounts" and then "Account 1"

Under "Account 1" enter the following information:

Display name: Your sip-number (for example 111111) from personal account

User name: Your sip-number (for example 111111) from personal account

Name: Your sip-number (for example 111111) from personal account

Password: Your password of internal PBX number from personal account


Display name: Your internal PBX number (for example 1234-100) from personal account

User name: Your internal PBX number (for example 1234-100) from personal account

Name: Your internal PBX number (for example 1234-100) from personal account

Password: Your password of internal PBX number from personal account


To save changes click on Apply

2. If you experience difficulties with incoming calls, open "Main" tab, and enable the following:

NAT settings: STUN

STUN server: